I also had people signing up for John Lustig's http://www.lastkiss.com/ mailing list where he'll send you a cool color web comic each and every week in you email. This time I got 30 more subscribers for him! He'll be proud of me! I sold a few books here and there but mostly had people looking for free stuff as expected. But I think I made good use of promoting my web site in the process. And getting some new artists to contribute to Slam Bang never hurts. So it was well worth it.
Jim Jones the owner of the store (Best comic store owner ever!) helped out and supplied free food and soft drinks, thanks again!
Here is Bonnie my wife watching over the table. She was a huge help in me setting up the table and talking people into signing up for the www.lastkisscomics.com sign up sheet. If you didn't sign up for a free web comic in your email every week, go there now and do it! Its very funny stuff, trust me.
Spider-Man was there. This helped get a few of the younger kids into the store. Some of the mom's even said to me that they saw in the paper where Spider-man was going to be here and so they brought their kids.
Artist Creator Nathan Bonner was there from IL, and he was handing out INDAVO a great comic that he published as a digest but also has as a web comic.
This is me (Allen) trying to look awake, I'm not a morning person. Notice the first appearance ever of the stand for the logo banner in the background for Fan-Atic Press. My cuz Harry Lee Hottle from Evansville made that for me and it works great! Michael Kasinger artist/illustrator was there from Lawrenceville, IL. He did some free sketches and sold some of his art. He also did a Morgana X drawing for me! Hope to have him in Slam Bang sometime soon.
Here is the store before the crowd was let in!
A Stormtrooper at the Star Wars Club table! A cool Spider-Man Sculpture display in the store.
Its the free comic book table before the crowd was let in.
Artist Jeff Lindall on the left is showing off his portfolio and handing out some HeroClix Wolverines....Jeff is another artist I'll have to convince to contribute to Slam Bang!
And here is a shot of just part of the Comic Quest store before the crowd was let in. Yeah, this is one large place with just about everything you could want in figures, comics and related stuff!
News about the upcoming SPACE CON in my next blog......
Thanks for the comment, I don't get much feedback for all the hard work I do slaving over my key board trying to get the little photos to line up right when they hate me. (They do hate me.) So getting a comment like this makes my day! My whold week actually. And I'll be there next year, if asked back. And to the meetings of the Alliance group. (If asked back.)
Thanks for the kind words. It was nice metting you and I will be sending you stuff soon.
Michael Kasinger
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