Thursday, March 30, 2006

Slam Bang #1(vol III, or #41) is at the Printer! 200 pages!

(TWO COVERS) Slam Bang #1, vol III, is a digest, square bound book with color covers and will be printed by Dream Weaver Press. Front cover by Charlene Chua, and the back cover is also a cover, by Christina Wald! Here is the complete contributor list (in order of appearance) for the book (200 pages!): Charlene Chua (Cover)(“GothGirls: Deadline” Pages 54-55) Brad Foster (art Page 2) (art Page 189) Stan Yan ("Mr. Flingpoo in Press Corps Whore" Pages 3-7) Jim Siergey ("National Identity Card" Page 8) ("Kielbasa Nova" Pages 38-39) Kevin K. Hanna ("Random Frog Children" Page 9) ("Ad" Page 188) John Lustig ("" Page 10) ("" Page 53) Matjaz Bertoncelj ("Baraho LKA" Page 11) ("Feed The Beast"- Pages 21-26) ("Nigerian Business" Page 33) Scott Nickel ("Zombie Girlfriend"- Page 12 & 94) (cartoons Page 58) Marianne R. Petit ("716"- Pages 13-17) Casey Camp ("My Life as a Robot" Pages 18-20) Buck Weiss (writer- "Angry One" Pages 27-32) (story "Sleepbringer: Manifest Destiny" Pages 41-42) Ben Ferrari (artist- "Angry One" Pages 27-32) (artist/creator- "Sleepbringer: Manifest Destiny" Pages 41-42) Paul Allen ("Brains" Page 34 & 182) ("Monsters" Page 93) Steven Mannion ("Zombie Island Party" Pages 35-37) Larry Blake (inks- "Paul Stanley" Page 40) ("Breath of a Gunslinger" Pages 73-78) Allen Freeman editor/publisher and: (lettering- "7 Deadly Sins" (Pages 1-8) (lettering-"Photograph" Pages 122-126) (pencils- "Paul Stanley" Page 40) (art- "Deer Hunting With Bears" Pages 183-187) (writing- "Feel Lucky?" Page 200) Ron and Justine Fontes ("Tales of the Terminal Diner" Pages 43-52) Matt Levin ("Politics" Pages 56-57) Anton Bogaty ("A Science Fiction Situation" Pages 59-63) Dan Lauer ("Iron Chef Funnies" Pages 64-65) Renzo Soto ("Supervaca" Pages 66-68) Mark Monlux ("The Return of Stickman!" Pages 69-70)("Comic Critic Page 71) All Smash Funnies ("Ad" Page 72) Matt Voss ("Chuck’s Bad Day" Pages 79-84) Jonathan Gilbert (writing- "Mercury Origin" Pages 85-92) Rob Jones (artwork- "Mercury Origin" Pages 85-92) Mike Rickaby (letters and tones- "Mercury Origin" Pages 85-92) Craig Boldman ("A Visit to Rural Pennsylvania" Page 95) ("Tailipoe" Page 145) Rob Meier (Destro) ("Girl Fixing Robot" Page 96) Daryl Hutchinson ("Artwork and Tarot Card Art" Pages 97-100) Tim Corrigan ("Fred and Marvin Comics" Pages 102-119) Dan Taylor ("Dr. Henderson’s" Pages 120-121) Kriss Salieri ("Photograph" Pages 122-126) Tyler Sticka ("Flies" Pages 127-129) John Sow ("When You’re Different" Pages 130-1353) David Johnson Jr. (assist- "7 Deadly Sins" Pages 1-8) Christopher Moshier (writer- "7 Deadly Sins" (Pages 136-143) Andrea Blanco (artist assists- "7 Deadly Sins" Pages 136-143) Alejandro Alvarez (artist- "7 Deadly Sins" Pages 136-143) Eric Lundgren ("Space Pirates" Page 144) Jason Jones ("Slam Bang Farm" Pages 146-148) (story- "Deer Hunting with Bears" Page 187) Paul Morgan (story- "Plethoric Man" Pages 149-158) ("Doctor Stiletto" Pages 164-167) Eliseu Gouveia (art- "Plethoric Man" Pages 149-158) Shelton Bryant (art- "Plethoric Man" Pages 149-158) Simon Bowland (letters- "Plethoric Man" Pages 149-158) Russ Maheras ("The Lotta Gall Show" Pages 159-162) Dean LeCrone ("Retribution" Page 163) ("Wacky Old People" Pages 176-177) Mau Russo (letters- "Doctor Stiletto" Pages 164-167) Kevin Brockschmidt ("Cartoons" Page 168) Ron LeBrasseur ("Blood Moon" Pages 169-174) Jeff Gaither ("Head" Page 175) ("Zombie" Page 199) (See some web news about JEFF. Edward Pun ("Under the Surface" Pages 178-180) Robin Ator ("Godzilla" Page 181) Douglas Chaffee (painting- "Feel Lucky?" Page 200) Christina Wald (back cover-cover.) and a special shout out for their moral support to; Todd Ritter, Chuck Haspel, Dennis Feeback, Gerry Freeman (mom), Bonnie Freeman (wife). Visit: for all your heavy metal music of the future

With PayPal $10.00+ $2.50 shipping. Or mail check or money order made out to Allen Freeman to: Fan-Atic Press, 3106 Dade Cv, Owensboro, KY 42303

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Doc Paradox is ready! Willie Wonka on Steroids!

That's right, the 20 page full color comic by Paul Allen called Doc Paradox is done! Written, penciled, inked, colored, lettered and everything by Paul. He is sending me all the pages via CD and I'll make sure they meet the comiXpress requirments and off they go! You could be reading the first in a series of Doc Paradox comics, in time for the SPACE Con, May 13th. Yeah, it could happen! Doc Paradox and his companion Trixie roam the Intergalactic Spaceways, Time Traveling around, trying not to screw up the Time Space Continuum in the process...... Go to this link and look at the first comic strip of Doc Paradox. Now he's 10 times cooler and has his own comic!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Slam Bang #1 vol III, is in production! Get it on!

Send in those contributions pronto as I'm assembling the book now! There is still a chance I need more stuff as I'm never completely sure how its going to go until I get it assembled. More new contributors: Matjaz Bertoncelj (Solvenia), Ron and Justine Fontes, Christian S. Aluas (Canada), big promises from Christina Wald, John Lustig, Sygnin and a few others I'm patiently waiting on...seems true quality work takes time, or something like that. So I've heard.

Berserker:Brother Assassin has 16 pages penciled! (With about 20 more to go.)Wooooo, and I've started inking them. I'm doing the coloring, and lettering....hope to get this done before July. Wish me luck! Christopher Moshier wrote the script adapted from the Fred Saberhagen novel of the same name. (In case I forgot to mention that every blog entry...) And this will be issue 1 in a 3 issue series!

I drove to Evansville, IN which wasn't really that far from Owensboro, KY. And checked out 2 great comic stores there. Comics Unlimited which was a great little shop. Well organized and clean, and easy to find things. Then I went to Comic Quest. Wow, is that place big. Lots of back issues and 20% off the old stuff all the time! Sweet. No, I forgot to take any DRAWINGS to show them...but will next time for sure. As I'll be hitting the road off and on to visit the local comic shops. Fantasy Limited is the store in Owensboro, and they ("Jazzy" Jeff Peyton) bought everything I had out! Even the Space Con DVD! Wooooo, the big surprise is they still let me in their store. Go figure.
