Monday, February 19, 2007

New Developments at Fan-Atic Press

Ok, so not a lot has been happening at this blog for months, but I hope to get back on track with it and keep it going. First of all I've decided not to publish Ed Pun's comic Scarlet Fields. Why? Because I need the time to devote to Slam Bang #2 vol III, Drawings #2, and a host of other projects I'm trying to finish up from last year! But Ed promises to put the book out himself which is great because it's a fantastic comic and I know everyone will love it. That's right there will be an Anton Bogaty Drawings #2 this Spring! And boy does it look great. It will also be a 60 page color comic format. This sketchbook sure sold lots of copies and #2 will keep everyone happy that wanted more!
Also a new site will cover the movies I've been shooting (Some with Chris Moshier of ) such as the about to be released SPACE CON 2006, a two DVD set! Tons of extras like the awards ceremony, and the after con discussions! And the almost a year in the making: Dean LeCrone vs. The Mutants of ComicCon! Where I filmed Dean interviewing costumed folks at the 2006 San Diego Comic-Con. Dean does lots of crazy things and this 40 minute movie will be a cult classic! Why take a year to get it done? Well Dean flew from San Diego to KY to help design the movie while I did the editing....Dean wrote most of the cool/crazy stuff you'll see that tied in all the cool footage from the convention. No, you haven't seen a convention film like this one. Tons of laughs and the extra features alone are as good if not better than what you see on most Hollywood DVD's! No lie!

Also on this site you can see the weekly updated VLOG by Chris and I. We have themes and we each shoot video based on that theme. Like "Introduction", "Pets", "Tricks", etc...and we have lots of them planned. At the site we now have 3 already up for your enjoyment. This site will soon have lots of free films, and more information on the DVD's I have for sale such as: SPACE CON 2005, North End Mafia "Axis of Evil" the DVD/CD set, and San Diego Comic-Con 2004.

So check that site often for more updates as it's in production right now.

New items have been added to as well. I have a new opening art screen each week that takes you into the site. Michael Wurl will be contributing a new wacky image where he makes fun of conventional comics and newspaper strips each week.....and there is a weekly updated web comic called MIAC by Ed Mulreany. 11 pages so far!

And until later check out this cover I just did for KA-WHUMP! The cool magazine about small press comics. This is issue #2, first mag size issue with color covers! Also this issue has an interview with me! So worth the cover price! Email me for how to get a copy. This comes out very soon. No, I'm not the publisher.

Slam Bang #2 vol III is almost done at last! Yeah! And it sports a long interview with Tim Corrigan! But don't forget the other comics and stories in this 200 page digest! This I plan to have out in early March! Woooooo. Yeah, I'm excited.

The theme for Slam Bang #3 vol III, is TRUE STORIES! Anything that you believe to be true, or read someplace and think could be true, or something that happened to you! Should be fun! Go for it. Deadline is around May 1st.

And now a photo of me to leave you with....

1 comment:

Uncle Flod said...

Sure is a cool cover to Ka-Whump! you did! And hey, looks like SB #2 will be CREEEEEEEEPY!

Can't wait to see it!