Well it was a long day for Clint Basinger of Cosmic Moustache Comics (http://www.cosmicmoustachecomics.com/) and Allen Freeman (me) Fan-Atic Press (http://www.fanaticpress.com/) as we were guests at two place on the same day!
First we set up our booths at the Comic Quest in Evansville, IN. A great store that got a nice crowd to come by and get their free comics and see all the guests. The comic Dead Ranger #1 was debuted at this event with lots of the contributors to the issue in attendance as guests to sign the books.
Clint and I also unveiled out new comic: The Cosmic Norseman verses Morgana X #1. It sold very well. It's a comedy about a confusion that my character Morgana X thinks she has a contract to kill The Cosmic Norseman (Clint's character.). It is a true collaboration between Clint and I. With Clint writing the story and drawing most of the book and me doing the MX parts and coloring the cover etc.... (get it at http://www.fanaticpress.com/)
I sold some of my Dean LeCrone vs. The Mutants of Comic Con DVD's and some of my other comics such as Slam Bang. So I did well. I also got to see artist Jason Craig draw on an expensive Les Paul guitar....and he did a great job.
Later in the day Clint and I went to give a presentation on how to create a comic book page at the Coolectors Mall in Owensboro. They also had a great turnout and we had a nice crowd eager to see our display of the process of how to create a comic book page. They asked questions and looked over the boards we had showing the verious stages of what it takes to create a comic page. We also sold well at this event. They did a great job and I got to even use the wireless mic and give the talk. Clint and I should take this show on the road!
See all the photos here:

First we set up our booths at the Comic Quest in Evansville, IN. A great store that got a nice crowd to come by and get their free comics and see all the guests. The comic Dead Ranger #1 was debuted at this event with lots of the contributors to the issue in attendance as guests to sign the books.
Clint and I also unveiled out new comic: The Cosmic Norseman verses Morgana X #1. It sold very well. It's a comedy about a confusion that my character Morgana X thinks she has a contract to kill The Cosmic Norseman (Clint's character.). It is a true collaboration between Clint and I. With Clint writing the story and drawing most of the book and me doing the MX parts and coloring the cover etc.... (get it at http://www.fanaticpress.com/)
I sold some of my Dean LeCrone vs. The Mutants of Comic Con DVD's and some of my other comics such as Slam Bang. So I did well. I also got to see artist Jason Craig draw on an expensive Les Paul guitar....and he did a great job.
Later in the day Clint and I went to give a presentation on how to create a comic book page at the Coolectors Mall in Owensboro. They also had a great turnout and we had a nice crowd eager to see our display of the process of how to create a comic book page. They asked questions and looked over the boards we had showing the verious stages of what it takes to create a comic page. We also sold well at this event. They did a great job and I got to even use the wireless mic and give the talk. Clint and I should take this show on the road!
See all the photos here: